Mitticool: A clay fridge that cools through evaporation

In a country, where two things are most common, poverty and lack food, preservation of food is of utmost importance. But in rural hinterland, Indians can’t really afford a fridge, and even if they could, erratic electricity supply would render them useless. So, what can be a solution that saves foodstuff, is affordable, and runs without energy? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, that is until, you get to know Mitticool.Mitticool fridge

The Mitticool refrigerator is made of natural clay and runs without electricity, serving as an affordable cooling alternative for rural communities in developing countries.

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, much of the post-harvest loss of fruits and vegetables in developing countries is due to the lack of proper storage facilities. Most refrigerated cooling options are expensive to buy and run. Furthermore, according to consumer reports, the refrigerator is the most power-consuming device in a typical household. 1 Mitticool addresses these challenges by offering a low-cost alternative that is simple and does not require any external power supply. This makes the solution viable in rural areas with poor electricity infrastructure.

Not surprisingly, Mitticool was featured in the Sustainia100 list, that showcases some of the best sustainable solutions in the planet. The fridge has been invented by Mansukhlal Raghavjibhai Prajapati, who has to his credit many more such innovations.

“The Mitticool refrigerator is chosen as a Sustainia100 solution for its outstanding work to improve both quality of life and sustainable practices in developing countries. Made of natural clay and operating on water only, the refrigerator is ideal to cool food supplies in rural communities without electricity. Solutions such as this will not only rise standards of living, but also demonstrate the health benefits often related to sustainability measures,” stated Laura Storm, Executive Director of Scandinavian think tank Sustainia.

All in all Mitticool is a brilliant instance of innovation and sustainability, weaved in a business model. It solves an important need, in a manner that is in harmony with nature and is affordable by many. That is the reason the clay fridge is a winner in more ways than one.

Mitticool was featured in Sustainia100, to read about other such wonderful innovations, do check the complete list at

  1. Food Security Challenge: Few Homes Have Refrigerators | March 16, 2015 at 9:11 PM

    […] likely to have access to constant electricity. There are some great ideas around. Check out this clay fridge that cools through evaporation. And this solar powered refrigerator. And this one. Hopefully, some entrepreneurial spirit will […]


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