The future of health lies in what we do today – with our lifestyle and habits, starting from the very basic and very first part of the day – the simple cup of tea. So believes Tea Tantrum. But why?
Imagine using Ayurveda and the ancient Indian wisdom of herbs and body ‘prakriti’ to brew the perfect cup of tea. A start-up in India is doing just that. Drawing from its lineage in healthcare, Ayurveda wellness and Yoga, this team is busy creating a good storm in the tea-cup. Plus, it wants to make sure that it focuses on organic approach and uses sustainable practices like bio-degradable packaging, responsible farming and a tea bag that is not a one-time-use-and-throw product. Let’s understand why and how these values are being stirred well at this emerging disruptor. Dr. Dinesh Khatri. Founder & Director, Tea Tantrum Private Limited gives a peek into this interesting tea-pot.
Congratulations on bagging the ‘Go Global Award’ as a Front-runner by the International Trade Council, USA. What makes you a front-runner? Is it because of your emphasis on being holistic and environmentally-responsible?
Thanks. Yes. We are actually trying to disrupt a very important and an inveterate part of modern lifestyle. When I used to visit Vienna, USA and Holland, I used to interact a lot with the Youth after my wellness lectures. Often, these Millennials would come up to me and say – ‘We know and believe what you are trying to tell us. But how do we break our habits? Specially when we live in hostels and work in a fast-paced world?’ These words used to disturb me. Here I was, with my excellent and seasoned team in India. We were practicing and preaching the zen and ken of Ayurveda for the last 20 years. But were we able to reach the real segment that needed it – and in a form that was easy and relatable? The Youth? These questions drove me to create something that fits the modern youth lifestyle. And that’s how Tea Tantrum was born.

Did this product draw upon the Yoga and Wellness centre you already had?
Yes, we had this centre since 2014 and when we started working on Tea Tantrum, we used a lot of knowledge from there – specially in addressing the problems that actually affect the urban Indian – obesity, blood pressure, depression, lung issues, digestive problems etc. This helped us create a complete range that covers almost every ailment and health need. We use some first-hand treatment expertise of detox therapy, Ayurveda and Panchkarma practiced successfully in our hospital and resorts. Our own pharmacy can create the most versatile range of finest herbal drugs and products as direct consumables.
Why do you think Ayurveda is important for something as simple as tea?
This is about tea experience for the health-aware, but a hard-core tea-loving, individual. And we find them everywhere – in India, in the USA, in Europe. We use roots, leaves and herbs for health & wellness – and this has been a practice that is prevalent from ancient times. I was always approached by people to give them something that weaves seamlessly into the modern lifestyle. So that spurred us to think – Why not bring out a detox wellness product? There is a lot of untapped demand here. Specially in the modern workforce and people who spend a lot of time in corporate routines. In India specially, people spend a lot of time on tea. Tea is an integral part of Indian culture and societal bonding. If we can make this part healthy, yet tasty, that will be a big inflection point for health.
Tell us something about the ‘green’ nature of these tea-bags?
You will see pyramid-spaced nylon tea bags. They are used to pack the product to give the space for the whole leaf to brew entirely in hot water and provide the most optimum benefit from the extract. The idea is that the tea bag is used at least five or six times before it is thrown away. We are about to bring a completely bio-degradable packaging that would use banana peels etc. to allow for easy, and environmental-friendly, disposal of the product.
To add to that, all our raw materials are sourced from the most reliable vendors. They either have their own certified farms, or do contract farming with small or a marginal farmers. This amplifies the use of sustainable methods for cultivation and harvesting. Most have organic farms and we encourage the farmers to grow herbs and spices organically. The packaging materials we use are food-grade and ensure prevention of any kind of toxicity. We have the NPOP certification for organic products and we made sure to also focus on SSC Global Services Biodegradable certified stamp.
What would you say to possible criticisms that it is just a fancy substitute to the traditional Indian kadha?
Well, a plausible argument. But my idea is so much more than ‘renaming’ something. What we are introducing is “simplicity and comfort” of getting the benefits of various authentic Ayurveda ingredients. We have designed specific products with precision and attention to specific ailment areas for needs of different people and their requirements. At Tea Tantrum, we ain’t making “one drink, some benefits”, we are procuring specific flavours, spices, elements that have been prepared under supervision of veteran eyes and hands. They address the needs of some discrete target organs, and for different customers worldwide. Medical herbs like Basil (Tulsi) and Curcumin (Lakadong Turmeric) are beneficial in cold and flu, flowers like Chamomile are used to boost the immune system and aid a good night’s sleep. It has been customised to some distinctive needs and daily health problems of the modern-age tea-lover.
Do you reckon any particular competitors who can give such types of products?
I would not deny but if there is no one there, they might emerge. But to maintain the quality and the diversity of collection is a tough task. Certainly no one is there in the market who has the legacy-expertise of Ayurveda that we have to bring the wisdom in the market. I think some of the producers who are doing it are only commercial-centric but we are not. That’s the core distinction. We are trying to give new and sustainable Job opportunities to the Tribal People, also – two per cent of the income would go towards education of unprivileged children and their health-upliftment. So, if you are buying our products, certainly you are also helping the unfortunate segments who struggle with basics of living, education and medication.
This is a continued effort that our other scions have been doing from the onset – like the Kala Ashram Ayurved Medical College and Hospital at Gogunda. We have been giving free Treatment, Free Operations and Free Deliveries to the tribal people not because we need the publicity; but to help them in a real sense with a safe life and with essential elements like food – at least, for one time in a day. They help us in growing the Herbal Crops. We procure the pure herbs from various regions so that the purity and the quality of Tea Tantrum Products stay solid, rigorous and unique – Flavors of Goodness, that is our motto that drives our DNA.
What would you advise to similar start-ups who are trying to bring Indian or sustainable signatures in their products?
While we definitely tapped our repertoire of Ayurveda knowledge, we also made sure that we were perfectly equipped with a modern laboratory and a seasoned tea-tasting assembly. We have ensured that we continuously invest in research, process improvement and blend-discovery. Also, focus on certifications and compliance helps a lot. We aim to be fully compliant and have been working relentlessly to acquire all requisite certificates and licenses by FSSAI, HACCP, ISO, Tea Board of India and the USFDA clearance certification.
What next?
We are growing fast and have a footprint of over 50 tea markets, 21 varieties of tea with more than 30 flavours. We are already working on bringing traditional and rare Indian formulas of ‘shankh pushpin’ (fluid imagination) like ‘Swarnaprash’ in an easily-usable format of oils. It uses a specific combination of gold dust, herbs and memory-boosters. It would be perfect for children – when taken with medical supervision.
Do you think the world will be better in terms of health-consciousness after what we have learnt from the pandemic?
We have no choice but to be careful and proactive. This mad rush for money, work and growth leaves no room for self-care. Running on this treadmill may give someone a lot of money in ten years, but would that person be able to buy a lung or a kidney with that money? If we ignore our health, it will cost us. And heavily. It’s high time we started changing the way we think and live. And it’s not a big or complex shift. We can start with simple choices – what we eat, how much we sleep, how we breathe, how much work-life balance we have and of course, the tea we drink. Let’s start looking at a life that is beyond junk food, microwave and tin-boxes. If not now, then when?
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