We don’t have the luxury of time
The Climate Reality Project, a nonprofit climate organisation founded by former US Vice President Al Gore, is about to make..
Features & Stories on green technology and how it is being managed within the corporate space
The Climate Reality Project, a nonprofit climate organisation founded by former US Vice President Al Gore, is about to make..
Temperatures, heavy workloads, and pressure for business uptime on one hand- while dealing with underutilisation and capacity issues on the..
The tunnel gets immersive and surreal – but will it open in a different Narnia land? It’s a simple question...
Ah! the 1800s! The melody and quaint sight of hansom cabs, horse-drawn buses and goods-ferrying drays. Horses did change a..
There is rock, there is bottom and then there is another black hole hidden slyly beneath that bottom too. That’s..
Tucked inconspicuously, unlike the screw we are about to introduce, in the hot climes of North India is a cool..
Greed. Twisted Capitalism. An Orwellian farm jarring with bleeps (not bleats). Pretzel-ite Consumerism. May be even Caveat Venditor. There are many..
– Pratima H Sometimes one wonders if it would be easier or tougher for Van Damme if he had to..
— Stu Lipoff Although both solar/kinetic power and wireless charging fall under the “portable power” umbrella they should not be conflated..
Datacenter Transformation (19 per cent) and Desktop Virtualisation (19 per cent) – are coming up as significant trends as seen..
The way we think, design and consume computing can change a lot in the next few years if Gartner has..
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